

I love shooting weddings, what’s not to like?




A little about me ...

I love shooting weddings, what’s not to like? Happy people full of love and smiles, and I have the privilege of capturing those emotions.

I purchased my first proper camera way back in time, when the backs of cameras were black and you couldn’t see the images you had taken until you had developed them yourself of had sent the film away, no instant gratification!

I have now reached retirement age, but I am still taking wedding photographs. Why? Simply because I love doing it, and I make no apology for being one of the older local wedding photographers, it gives me an edge in the experience department, and there’s not much I haven’t seen! I have taken the decision to stop all day coverage, so it’s a maximum of 3 hours for me.

Besides weddings I enjoy shooting portraits, for people and pets, please contact me for information.

My spare time is taken up with taking my dogs out and occasionally photographing them, taking pictures of steam locomotives, (I spend a lot of time on the Moors railway) and working on little photo projects for myself.